Would you like to get to know your blood glucose meter better? Then you're in the right place: Here you will find complete video instructions for your meter.
Downloading and installing
Creating an account
Sending reports
Test reminder plans
My Patterns
Performing a test
Wykonywanie testu
ٹیسٹ کروانا
ਟੈਸਟ ਕਰਵਾਓ
পরীক্ষা করান
Efectuarea unui test
виконання тесту
إجراء اختبار نسبة الجلوكوز في الدم
Test Yapmak
Samaynta baarista gulukoosta dhiigga
சோதனை செய்தல்
smartCOLOUR™target range indicator
Pairing the meter to the app
Setting Bluetooth functionality
Access settings
Target ranges
Using the meal marker feature
Setting a reminder
How to perform a blood glucose test
The smartLIGHT target range indicator
Second-Chance Sampling
Pairing the meter to the CONTOUR DIABETES app
Bluetooth settings
Changing target ranges
Using meal markers
Set a reminder
Viewing the readings